Daily African Proverbs

A thread follows the path of the needle – Kenya’s Greatest Proverb

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Kenya   “A thread follows the path of the needle.” Quote this tweet and share what the proverb means to you! Join us @ 6am PST #FridayForFuture #AFIAPodcast #FridayVibes #FridayMotivation #AfricaNow #KOT #Thread

Daily African Proverbs

An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Ghana   “An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.” What does it mean to you! Join us @ 6am PST   #ThrowBackThursday #AFIAPodcast #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayVibes #Africa #RT #KOT

Daily African Proverbs

We will water the thorn for the sake of the rose

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Chad   “We will water the thorn for the sake of the rose.”   #RT and share what the proverb means to you!   Join us @ 6am PST.   #WisdomWednesday #AFIAPodcast #IamOneVibeAfrica #WednesdayVibes #WednesdayMotivation #Africa

Daily African Proverbs

Don’t despise the nut, one day it will be a palm tree

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Angola   “Don’t despise the nut, one day it will be a palm tree.”   Share what the proverb means to you! Join us @ 6am PST   #TravelTuesday #Travel #OneVibeExperience #AFIAPodcast #IamOneVibeAfrica

Daily African Proverbs

The rabbit that stays in a hole must be ready to face the hunter’s fire

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #EquatorialGuinea “The rabbit that stays in a hole must be ready to face the hunter’s fire.” Quote this tweet and share what the proverb means to you! Join us @ 6am PST #MindfulMonday #AFIAPodcast #MondayVibes

Daily African Proverbs

The tongue is only 3 inches, but it can kill a man that is 6ft tall

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to Nigeria. “The tongue is only 3 inches, but it can kill a man that is 6ft tall.” #Retweet if you agree   Don’t miss @mohitaroraxyz who is our guest @ 6am PST   #FridayForFuture #AFIAPodcast #FridayVibes #African #Wisdom

Daily African Proverbs

It is the voyage not the ship that matters

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to Angola. “It is the voyage not the ship that matters.” What does this proverb means to you? Comment below and share this episode with your community.  Join us @ 6am PST #ThrowBackThursday #AFIAPodcast #ThursdayThoughts #abundance #ThursdayVibes #DailyQuotes #ThursdayMotivation #Seattle #nature #ThursdayMorning #Africa #Culture

Daily African Proverbs

We should talk while we are still alive

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Kenya “We should talk while we are still alive.” Quote this tweet & share what the proverb means to you! Join us @ 6am PST @Clubhouse & @YouTube   #WisdomWednesday #AFIAPodcast #IamOneVibeAfrica #Vibes #PNW #Africa

Daily African Proverbs

The bridge is repaired only after someone falls in the water

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Somalia “The bridge is repaired only after someone falls in the water.” Share in the comments what this proverb means to you? Join us @ 6am PST #TravelTuesday #Travel #OneVibeExperience #TourismKenya #TuesdayVibes #DailyQuotes #OneVibeMedia #TuesdayMotivation #Bellevue #Clubhouse #Inspired #African #Culture #photography #DailyMotivation #Healing #DailyAffirmations #MentalHealth #WiseWords #AFIAPodcast #IamOneVibeAfrica

Daily African Proverbs

A fool will not even find water at the Nile

#DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #SouthSudan “A fool will not even find water at the Nile.” Share below in the comments how you interpret this proverb. Join us @ 6am PST at #MindfulMonday #AFIAPodcast #Education #MondayVibes #DailyQuotes #MondayMotivation #Bellevuewa #Clubhouse #Inspired #African #Culture #photography #DailyMotivation #Healing #DailyAffirmations #MentalHealth #WiseWords