Daily African Proverbs

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child: Community Is Key In Child Development | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Nigeria The Proverb says: “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” The saying “it takes a village to raise a child” is often used to emphasize the importance of community in the development of young people. Although the proverb originated in Nigeria, it is now used by […]

Daily African Proverbs

How to Stay Positive When Leaders are in a Bad Mood | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Mauritius The Proverb says: “When a leader changes mood, followers change places of their abode.” If you’ve ever had a boss who was in a bad mood, you know how quickly the mood can change in a office. The same is true for leaders. When a leader is in […]

Daily African Proverbs

Why You Need To Be Passionate About The Things You Love | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Seychelles The Proverb says: “A dog that lives on the bank of a brook never tires of lapping the water.” It’s no secret that dogs love water. They’ll happily splash around in a puddle, play in the sprinklers, or go for a swim at the beach. But why is […]

Daily African Proverbs

Mozambique Proverb Warns Against Putting All Your Eggs In One Basket | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Moambique The Proverb says: “On a dead tree there are no monkeys” In many parts of the world, monkeys are seen as playful and mischievous creatures. They are often portrayed in children’s stories and movies as climbers and acrobats, frolicking among the branches of trees. However, in Mozambique, there […]

Daily African Proverbs

How Self-restriction Can Help You Enjoy Life More

“He who learns to eat without reservation must learn to starve.” – Equatorial Guinea Proverb It’s a harsh saying this one, but an ultimately true statement. Those who want to enjoy the world’s bounties without learning how to live with less will eventually find themselves going hungry. The ability to self-restrict is an important skill, […]

Daily African Proverbs

The Importance of Determination and Perseverance

“Crawling on hands and knees has never prevented anyone from walking upright.” – Kenya proverb. This proverb speaks to the importance of determination and perseverance. No matter how difficult something may seem at first, it is always possible to overcome it with hard work and dedication. This proverb reminds us that we should never give […]

Daily African Proverbs

The Ruin of A Nation Begins In The Homes of its People | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Ghana The proverb says: “The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people.”If the Ghana Proverb is to be believed, the key to a nation’s success lies in the homes of its people. After all, it is in the home that children are raised and values […]

Daily African Proverbs

If you sleep with itching anus, you will definitely wake up with your hands smelling | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Nigeria The proverb says: “He who is scared of words, has no heart for deeds.”This saying may also have a more serious meaning. It could be warning against the potential embarrassment of waking up with smelly hands, or it could be suggesting that itching anus can lead to more […]

Daily African Proverbs

The Goat’s Business Is Not The Pig’s Affair | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Mauritius The proverb says: “The goat’s business is not the pig’s affair.” Have you ever had the experience of trying to help someone and then being told, “Mind your own business!”? Well, that’s the sentiment behind the Mauritius Proverb, “The goat’s business is not the pig’s affair.” In other […]

Daily African Proverbs

Govern A Country As You Would Roast A Crocodile On A Spit | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Madagascar The proverb says: ” Govern a country as you would roast a crocodile on a spit.”Anyone who has ever roasted a whole animal on a spit knows that it’s not a job for the faint of heart. First, you have to catch the croc – no easy feat! […]