Daily African Proverbs

Lessons from being bullied for a year and a half | AFIA Podcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Egypt The Proverb says: “More precious than our children are the children of our children.” People need to be aware of the importance of setting a good example for their own children so that they can build a better future. By learning this ancient Egyptian proverb you are encouraged […]

Daily African Proverbs

Lessons from being bullied for a year and a half | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Egypt The Proverb says: “More precious than our children are the children of our children.” People need to be aware of the importance of setting a good example for their own children so that they can build a better future. By learning this ancient Egyptian proverb you are encouraged […]

Daily African Proverbs

More Precious than Our Children Are the Children of Our Children | African Proverbs | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Egypt The Proverb says: “More precious than our children are the children of our children.” People need to be aware of the importance of setting a good example for their own children so that they can build a better future. By learning this ancient Egyptian proverb you are encouraged […]

Daily African Proverbs

How to cultivate the human being | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Tanzania The Proverb says: “Do not make the dress before the child is born.” Let the Tanzania proverb remind you to plan for life’s difficulties and take a more considered approach. Don’t rush into situations without looking ahead – patience and kindness can often yield better outcomes in the […]

Daily African Proverbs

Do Not Make the Dress Before the Child is Born | African Proverbs | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Tanzania The Proverb says: “Do not make the dress before the child is born.” Let the Tanzania proverb remind you to plan for life’s difficulties and take a more considered approach. Don’t rush into situations without looking ahead – patience and kindness can often yield better outcomes in the […]

Daily African Proverbs

Helping kids find something they love to do | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Bambara The Proverb says: “The child who loves freedom is the first victim of it.” The old Bambara proverb wakes you up to the potential consequences of reckless freedom. Every decision impacts your future in some way, and it’s important to take into account all options before taking action. […]

Daily African Proverbs

The Child Who Loves Freedom Is The First Victim of It | African Proverbs | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Bambara The Proverb says: “The child who loves freedom is the first victim of it.” The old Bambara proverb wakes you up to the potential consequences of reckless freedom. Every decision impacts your future in some way, and it’s important to take into account all options before taking action. […]

Daily African Proverbs

A song about friends | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Jabo The Proverb says: “Children are the wisdom of the nation.” The Jabo proverb speaks to the immense potential for growth and education that lies within our youngest generations. Your children have so much knowledge and perspective, and it is your obligation to cultivate their gifts and provide them […]

Daily African Proverbs

Children Are The Wisdom Of The Nation | African Proverbs | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Jabo The Proverb says: “Children are the wisdom of the nation.” The Jabo proverb speaks to the immense potential for growth and education that lies within our youngest generations. Your children have so much knowledge and perspective, and it is your obligation to cultivate their gifts and provide them […]

Daily African Proverbs

How to build trust and strengthen relationships | AFIAPodcast

Greetings Village! #DailyAfricanProverbs takes us to #Morocco The Proverb says: “Let us sit bent, but talk straight.” In Moroccan culture, respect for elders and community leaders is highly valued. At the same time, true leaders are expected to speak their minds and offer honest opinions rather than simply agreeing with those in power. The proverb […]